Discover the shows of Miss Loulou, Famous French Clown : universal poetry with music and magic effects

Miss Loulou, Clowne

Shows for childrens and grown-ups

Miss Loulou : discover the shows of a marvelous clown

Welcome to our website. Please feel free to contact us for any enquiries. We tour all over the world for an international audience, thanks to the universality of mime and music.

As a proof, the forty countries already toured : France, Canada, England, Scotland, Ethiopia, Zambia, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Poland, India, Taiwan, Sri-Lanka, Yemen, Djibouti, Australia, U.S.A., Spain, Malawi, Tunisia, Kenya, Madagascar, Qatar, Thailand...
In the late nineties, Dominique Lannes created in Paris the character of Miss Loulou, silent and mischievious clown, after a decenny of worldwide touring with her companies, including Archaos.

Clown, mime, magician and musician, Miss Loulou is medium height, slim, with a charm of her own. In the shows she created she reveal the poetry of attitudes, and props and stuff. Building her very own universe she deals with her referents : Marcel Marceau, Charlie Chaplin, Jacques Prévert, René Magritte ...

She uses no words but has a great many ways to express herself in other languages with humour, imagination and sweetness. Her body code is a sesame opening to poetry for both children and grown-ups ; the former are led as accomplices to have some fun at adults thematics, the latter rediscover childhood's flavour.

As seen in Glastonbury Festival of Living Arts, Miss Loulou shows, thanks to their musicality, can be played in all conditions, on all kind of stages.

The latest creation, "Cabaret Z'Amours", is a pantomime with a pianist, a magic and lovely story ; well received during the Carnaval de Nice 2012 they can play all over Europe in light conditions.

For bigger stages, three marvelous shows are available for every kind of public :

in "Katastrophes", acclaimed in UK, Miss Loulou is flirtatious: her short skirts with colourful petticoats flare out when she dances or performs acrobatics. She has an impressive wardrobe allowing fast costume-changings... (more...)

in "Fortissimo !", classical and modern music, magic and poetic are parts of the adventures of Miss Loulou, struggling with uncommon musicians. With her playmates and puppets, in an evolving setting... (more...)

in "Mâgik", the company is dealing with the old fairy tales well known, and drives the children crazy... of Miss Loulou !

You can access to videos, press and pictures in this website. For further informations, please contact us.


The Character


Clown, mime, magician and musician, Miss Loulou is medium height, slim, with a charm of her own. 


Luxurious and abundant hair 

heaped in

cushions of curls crowned with three bunches,

alluring eyes underlined with a flourish of dark make-up

and question mark eyebrows pointing to mystery. 

She uses no words but has a great many

ways to express herself in other languages with humour,

imagination and sweetness. 

Her body code is a sesame opening to poetry for both

children and grown-ups ; the former are led as accomplices to have some fun at

adults thematics, the latter rediscover childhood's flavour.



show for all audiences, from two years old

The very own interpretation of the fairy tales by Miss Loulou is a lovely surprise for childs as for grown ups.

As for every Boulevard Lannes Company's show, a shorter version in direction of schools' audiences is available.

We adapt to every technical conditions. Our needs can be very reasonables. Contact us for any information !

Discover this short movie :

In a forest of fairy tales... A little clown plays her own music in the middle of the tricks and jokes .

Miss Loulou...Coucou....Wouhou !
Musicienne ! ! ! Propre ! Magicienne ! !

Miss Loulou uses mimics and magic tricks to put her poetry on stage. With special effects she take the audience to another place, alongside temporality...

Ballet.. Balai..Un peu de thé ?

She is in the struggle for independance when the big witch and the very little devil are playing with her dreams... The children are on her side during all the story !

La sorcière !..La boxeuse ..!!
Le diable et la grenouille... .Sorcière et clowne s'embêtent. Mais pas les petites filles !

She dreams about love, search her great love, believes that she found that lover... But continually disturbed by her two annoyers and with a gigantic flower dancing behind her, she is led to fall in love with a false giant frog... So weird !

L'Amour sur catalogue ?.. Prince charmant ou crapaud chanteur ??!
A cuo of tea ? Un tour gratuit ?..

Children loves these interpretation of the classic tales. Their imagination is stimulated by our little clownette !

Danse du fantômeEt bonne nuit !..

Miss Loulou ends in space as if she was trying to escape from our world when it's killing imagination...

Clowne des étoiles


a show for all audiences, from 3 years old

Katastrophes is a show written by Dominique Lannes, "Miss Loulou", clown and mime internationally known for her marvelous , unique and poetic work. It took place in all kind of stages since years, especially under the Big Top of the Kidz Field in Glastonbury 2011.

As for every Boulevard Lannes Company's show, a shorter version in direction of schools' audiences is available.

We adapt to every technical conditions. Our needs can be very reasonables. Contact us for any information !

Discover this short movie :

Miss Loulou is flirtatious : her short skirts with colourful petticoats flare out when she dances or performs acrobatics. She has an impressive wardrobe allowing fast costume-changings plus a color-changing waistcoat for the magic of it.

De beaux bras... De beaux balais.. De beaux draps !!!
Rêverie ! Mystère.... Flirt

She never goes whitout her suitcase, at once house, wardrobe, bed, hiding place and treasure chest of props.

... en folie ! Valises...

It opens with a magician giving Miss Loulou the desire to stay a little while on stage, as she's doing better tricks than him. Always carrying her huge suitcase, she reveals gradualy her own world in looking for ways to cope with any new situation. She's always amazed by the apparition of any potential new playmate or surprising prop.

Hihihihi Réflexion.. Action !

If children feel sometimes she's a goon for being clumsy with tools, they love the way she let them drive her acts in pure improvisation. Her clownesque feet and bunches jump like a Jack-in-a-box everywhere on the setting, dancing with a very tall chicken, fighting with a crocodile, moking the magician...

La poule géante Quelle ambiance ! Le zèbre musicien

When she's sleeping – in her suitcase of course – a magic hand, out of a box, lets her dreams produce ... Suitcases ! Full of funny things and sunflowers — the cleaning getting problematic because she can't help fraternizing with her broom while the props pop from unexpected spots.

Danses et Poésie ! Musique

And so on, during one hour of the clock, she confronts her mischievous affection with both bores and friends, children laughs at her adventures, adults yield to the poetry of her imagination. Then soap bubbles gets growing and growing, taking her to other planets, and time had passed too quickly.

Slideshow "flash" :

Technical needs

(Contact us for a translation )

Fortissimo !

a show for all audiences, from 4 years old

"Fortissimo !" is a show written by Dominique Lannes, "Miss Loulou", clown and mime internationally known for her marvelous , unique and poetic work (Glastonbury 2011, Archaos...). Builded around the visual poetry of René Magritte and the live music of Gilles Maujar at the piano it seduces every kind of audience.

As for every Boulevard Lannes Company's show, a shorter version in direction of schools' audiences is available.

We adapt to every technical conditions. Our needs can be very reasonables. Contact us for any information !

Discover this short movie :

Fortissimo ! : Scolar Version par BoulevardLannesCompany

Théâtre Paris : Création de Miss Loulou Fortissimo

The adventures of Miss Loulou, struggling with a pianist sometimes jazzy, sometimes Renaissance (costume, wig and everything), or with a guitarist (electrified) playing or improvising, depending on the situations. 
Concertina de Miss Loulou.Mozart en scène !.Et ce guitariste n'est pas triste !
Fleur de magie....face à l'inattendu.Magicienne même !
With her playmates and puppets, in an evolving setting, Miss Loulou stages two worlds : the first, the funny one, is full of everyday implements, balloons, music notes and other unexpected stuff she makes to come suddenly into view; the second is dedicated to the dream of love, her quest for companions, her poetic loves...
Une silhouette de Magritte..Un fantôme de chenapan !..La lumière jaillit de ses doigts..
La nuit les rêveries de Miss Loulou délicatement surréalisent...
She will adopt a tiny sock, "give rise" to little Miss Loulous, four successive handled puppets, and she will try to seduce the pianist with a cleaning dance or magic tricks !
La chaussette heureuse..!  Courbettes et simagrées
Toute en coquetterie est la Miss..Le trio en musique.Un peu de magie par dessus..

The music could be thought of as a fourth character, since it interacts with every features of the stage.

Séduction....Attraction ?..
Enroulez c'est pesé ! La musique tourne et tourne encore !.. Et même le ménage !

She finds treasures in cardboard boxes. She lives improbable situations in the ordinary madness of whimsical characters ; and she creates poetry with every single thing or person she meets.

L'entrée en matière,  L'AMOUR !!!
(et ses conséquences) multiples !

With very special effects, magic and conjuring tricks  — and not without a few winks to René Magritte's unusual world –  Miss Loulou,  with a fake clumsiness virtuosity,  leads you in the world of weird usual tools,  performing a poetical enacting of her feelings and passions. 

Le Grand Final

Slideshow "flash" :

Cabaret Z'Amours, a very special show about love, full of music and magic effects

"Cabaret Z'Amours"

(piano-set & all audience show)

Here is a story about a sweet duo. The pianist, plays, the clowne loves, and as they are on the same space they will, obviously, meet !

Very light in infrastructure, this show take place on any stage, even without a stage !

We adapt to any technical condition. Contact us for any information !

For animation, we begin with an ambiance PIANO-BAR sweetly interpreted by Gilles Maujar,followed by a magical and funny show (around 35 to 40mn), nice and poetic, written by Dominique Lannes (Miss Loulou).

Discover this short film :

With a lot of love, they put music and magic illusion in the center of the stage. Taking the audience by the heart, they tells us a story about the great Love, the great seduction, and its natural conclusion...

Le pianiste... hautain   L'amoureuse... clownesque
Youpi !! On danse ?
La pelote colle aux basques   Grand moment de tension  Le tabac c'est tabou
On lui ferait avaler n'importe quoi ! Cotillons, c'est la fête !

Presented in the Carnaval de Nice 2012 for an international audience, on an outside stage, the Cabaret des Z'Amours made a hit in the heart of the programmation !

Programmés au Carnaval de Nice
Avec des accessoires ! Du décorum ! !

Available everywhere (whereas lovers are welcomed !) !

Une histoire d'amour... qui plaît à tous et toutes..
Read our Press : Press Review PDF 1 and Press Review PDF 2

Miss Loulou, the famous clown, in Glastonbury

Clown without words, she uses magic, music, mimics special effects to crteate her own sweet poetry

After having tour all over the world in more than 40 countries, Miss Loulou is back this year in the Glastonbury Festival, in the Kidz Field.

Photos "copyright Michel Pourny"

Website : Camille Thé - Boulevard Lannes Company